Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Best Day of My Life Was:

The best day of my life was when I went to Mexico because I finally got to see my grandma in person instead of always seeing her through pictures or video calls. I was always with my grandma and her boyfriend and also my little cousin that went with me to Mexico. I was so excited because I would see how my parents grew up and how different it was from theU.S. It was kind of different because the streets were mostly made out of rocks and there were many hills. The ocean water was very salty and it burned your eyes. The sun was also very hot and if you didn't put sunscreen then you would get burned really bad. I actually kind of liked it better over there then over here because you could walk alone in the night and also if you could reach the petals of the car then you could drive. Mexico was the best days of my life.

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